Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I'm not a Princess, this ain't a Fairytale

It's different when it's you. You read stories, watch news clips, even documentaries and youtube videos. Friends send you prayer chain emails, a midnight phone call..... but when it's you...... it's different.

I've known many people in my life who have had cancer. My own husband's birth mother died of cancer after he was born. My heart always breaks when I hear of someone who has fallen victim to this awful disease. But when someone tells you that you have the's a different feeling.

Much like my husband's birth mother, I was pregnant when I was diagnosed. Knowing that being pregnant wasn't necessarily a reason for cancer to discriminate, I went into surgery knowing I could leave my husband alone to raise 2, potentially 3 children. Could he handle it? Could they handle it? Could I handle it?

So many questions. Very little answers. As I prepare to begin chemo, many thoughts cross my mind. "what if it doesn't work?" is the bigest question on my mind. As I look at my children, I ask myself, ten years from now, if I'm not here, will they even know me? I look at my husband. Ten years from now, if I'm not here, will he have found someone else to love? Someone else who loves him, and our children? I'm not ready to leave this- leave my family.

People tell me to be positive. But this isn't a lifetime movie. This is real life. Cancer kills people in real life. Cancer, could kill me in real life.

My heart aches more than my arms to hold my son. My son, who was the first victim of my cancer. My son, who lived for 18 weeks. My son will never know his big brother and sister. Brynnlynn would have loved him. Brydon would have been a good big brother.

I watch Cinderella with my 2 year old daughter sitting next to me. I watched Cinderella when I was a little girl. I wanted to be a princess like Cinderella. But, I'm not a princess. And this isn't a fairytale.


  1. Dear lovely friend,

    My heart aches for you. I wish there was anything I could do to help or ease your pain.

    You are strong, you are beautiful, you are incredibly kind and intelligent, you are loved. You will conquer this.

    Love, @tartu85

  2. My dearest friend,
    My heart truly aches for you and I would love nothing more than to make this all go away. I know you will beat this!!!
    Please know that I am here whenever you are ready!!!
    Love ya!

  3. Sweet Dana,
    I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. Just know many are praying for you and your family at this time. You have always shown great strength and I am sure you will continue to.
    Love and prayers to you and your family.

  4. I want to just put my arms around you and hug you so much. I can't so I am sharing one of my new fav quotes with you;
    "you don't know strength til it is your only choice"
    love, hugs and prayers

  5. I am so sorry to hear your news. I cannot begin to imagine the fear you must have facing this awful disease and the pain and grief you have for your lost sweet boy. I know you can and will survive because you simply must. There is no other option! Look into Ryan's and your babies eyes and will find the strength you need to beat this thing reflected in the love and need they have for you. I have said many times you are one of the most amazing young women I have ever encountered. You are wise beyond your years and your heart and spirit are beautiful and boundless. I am lifting prayers up for you and your family as you walk this hard road. Be kind to yourself. Be strong when you can but allow yourself to rest and draw strength from others when you need some extra. Let others help because those who love you will feel so much better if they can be a little useful in carrying this burden with you. You don't have to do it alone.
    My heart is full of love and hope for you!
    Peggy (Trubeliver)
