"He's gone"... Two words that caused my heart to break
Words I hear everyday, powerful enough to make me shake.
Your small, fragile body, wrapped in a blanket so warm.
The nurse asked what I would like to do, I then stretched out my arm.
Your daddy standing by my, I gave your tiny hand a squeeze
Nearly 4 months later, that image brings me to my knees.
Nobody understands the pain inside of me I often try to mask.
At night I wake up screaming, a breath of air seems hard to grasp.
Your time with me was cut too short, I barely got to see you.
You'd have a big sister and big brother, I know they'd love you too.
I miss you holding you in my arms angel, you feel so far apart
Even though you left this earth baby angel, you have never left my heart.
** Dedicated to my baby boy, born still born. Mommy loves you so much **